Saturday, February 25, 2017

Published 22:16 by with 0 comment

Lets Explore Data - I(a)

I thought it would be a good idea to visually explain the inferences from the previous post because a picture is worth a thousand words. Visualization is one of the most effective ways to communicate the findings from Data Analytics.

This post would be a shorter one as we are going to visually represent the analysis we did in the previous post.

I am using R to explore the data. Please feel free to use tool of your choice for data exploration.

Descriptive Statistics on "mpg"

Summary Statistics - Miles Per Gallon

The above "box plot" would give the five number statistics (minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, maximum) and Mean.

Distribution of cars based on number of cylinders

Distribution of cars based on number of forward gears

Distribution of cars based on transmission and on engine type

We can also combine different aspects/parameters and chart them together

In the next post, we ll see about multivariate data analysis.


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